Sir Ulla's Balance

While the Local 509 are enjoying the Port they chose as the desert to a fine dinner served by the gormet cook in the rented Stormwatch Villa in the city of Waterdeep, they are surprised when a brilliant spot of light appears near the NW corner of the ceiling. As the spot of white light grows, all of the followers that surrounded them run out of the room in terror. Those that stay see the light spot continue to grow until it covers a circle of about 10' in diameter. Through this circle they see a beautiful, androginous being of human form flying toward with huge white feathered wings through a pearly brilliance. Through the dazzeling light they can see that something is riding on the shoulders of the winged creature. Tucking it's winges to it's side, the creature swoops through the hole of light into the dining room of the villa. It quickly spreads them again and cups the air to land gently on the floor near the fireplace.

They can now see that it was Sir Ulla riding on the back of the Deva (a form of angel). Sir Ulla falls off of the creatures back and falls face down on the floor. With a beautific smile the angel turns, spreads it's wings and flys back through the still shining hole in the ceiling. After it passes through the circle, it begins to shrink and in a moment has dissappeared.

Sir Ulla is on his hands and knees on the floor sobbing loudly. When the party approaches him to offer comfort, he rises up in a rage and tells them to "fuck off and leave me alone!". He demands a room and although surprised, the party offers a room to him. He goes up to the room and begins throwing everything the previous occupants had in the room out into the hall. He abusivly reject all attempts to speak with him and rejects offers of food demanding only whiskey. Galranwyn puts some harmless sleeping herbs into the whiskey and he is soon drugged into unconsiousness.

That afternoon, the peace of the villa is shattered when one of the house keepers screams and then runs out of the house. One of the other servants explains that she was attacked by Sir Ulla as she tried to enter the room to clean it. He hit her with the back of his fist, opening a long cut on her cheek. While Kalana goes to the home of the servant to heal her, Katrina tries to speak with Sir Ulla, and is once again rudely sent away from his room.

When the rest of the party returns to the villa after concluding the days business, they are told what happened. As they are discussing how to handle the situation, Sir Ulla leaves his room and storms out of the house. Galranwyn and Kilana follow him outside. Galranwyn uses her medallion of ESP to read Sir Ulla's mind. She finds he is going out into the city to drink, wench and commit crimes the foremost of which is murder. She calls to Sir Ulla to stop and attacks him when he refuses. A battle ensues with several members of Local 509 attempting to subdue him while he attacks them to kill them. Although he wounds some people, their numbers overwhelm him and he knocked into unconciosness.

When he recovered his senses, he began to sob again and through great wracking sobs told them of his time in the Seven Heavens accompanying Beourn on his journey up the Holy Mountain. The unmitigated goodness went so against his neutral nature that he was driven close to insanity. At the last, his resistance to the influences of good began to become painful to those around him including Beourn. For both of their goods, Beourn sent him back to Local 509.

Even so, the instant Beourn found himself back on the Prime Material plane, he discovered that his ballance had been so adversely effected that he had lost his closeness with the godly spirit that enabled him to cast clerical spells. He told them that the only way that he could be restored to himself was to take a pilgrimage back to the only temple of Gaga on this planet.

This temple to Gaga is at the top of Mt. Ulgarth. This is not far from where he was born. It is a very pecular place. It's only name is The Temple of Gaga, and is known only to a few people immediatly around the base of the great mountain of Ulgarth. He is from the nearby city of Estugund.